Welcome to my site! I'm Andrea Szakos, I live in Budapest. My first profession was musician, pianist. It was limited to creativity. I had a dream of being an interior designer like a fine artist. I made my dream come true, learned a lot and changed my life. Since 2004 I am interior designer with unlimited possibilities. I am passionate about my work! We have our own showroom, such as Agent Farrow & Ball. I work with colors as my best staff. I love the simple, elegant timeless design, I love the natural materials and playing with the lights like a classical music. Always in harmony, in balance. Design is always tailored to individuality. I give an artistic touch!
I am based in Budapest, Hungary, but also work internationally, currently working on projects in Germany and the Canary Islands and Morocco.

Colour consultancy with Farrow & Ball palette
Interior design plan for entire properties - including lighting, tiling, customized furnitures, furnishing, curtains, wallcoverings...
3D visualizations
Project managing
All services are for residential and commercial properties too
Main partners:
Farrow & Ball * Sicis * Phillip Jeffries * James Malone Fabrics * Szauer Parkett * Bauwerk Colours * Argile * Designs Of The Time * NATURALii Concept Store
3D visualizations: Marouane Okba / MarokStudio
Interior photos: Palkó György Jaksa Bálint Visontai Márton